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Salt LilyMag

 Mission Statement:

Salt Lily Magazine was born out of tender vision: to nurture a celebratory and intimate online and print space for SLC's art and music community. By showcasing this City's vibrant artistic diversity, we hope to invite others to participate in their own artistic potential. This magazine is a love letter to all the feral outcasts of SLC. 

Meira Bashir, Creative Director 

What if love is the same as paying attention? Homegrown in Utah, Meira Bashir has used her lifelong love of visual poetics, word noise, and music affirming the possibilities of a soul was a way to grapple with Utah's perceived monoculture. 

Salt Lily Magazine was born out of the vision that Salt Lake City must be full of people similarly yearning for creativity and authenticity. Through this platform she has created, she seeks to curate the collective imagination and potential of the place she has always known to be "home." 

Now using photography as a medium to live her life in widening circles, she also is a former ballerina, pianist and seasoned cinema and music devotee. She recently finished a Bachelor of Science in Strategic Communications from the University of Utah. 

Meira hopes you find Salt Lily Magazine as a place for curious electricity and a love letter to the wild ones she desires to find and pay attention to. A magazine for outcasts edited by an outcast.